UNM Retiree Association General Meeting

June 27, 2023 1:30 PM -
3:00 PM
UNM Science and Technology Building, 801 University Blvd. SE. - Rotunda
This year is the 20th Anniversary of the UNM Retiree’s Association. Please join us for the 2023 UNM Retiree Association General Meeting on Tuesday, June 27 @ 1:30 in the Rotunda of the UNM Science and Technology Building, 801 University Blvd. SE.
We believe our speakers will be of interest. They will be sharing their thoughts on the topic, “Successful Aging.”
Janice E. Knoefel MD, MPH is a neurologist and geriatrician with 40 years’ experience. Born and raised in Columbus Ohio, she graduated from Ohio State University School of Medicine and has trained in internal medicine, neurology, geriatric neurology, and public health. She has been on the faculty of the University of Cincinnati, Boston University and at the University of New Mexico since 1996. She is Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and Neurology. She participates in clinical care, teaching, and research. She is an expert in neurological diseases of aging, most importantly Alzheimer Disease and dementias of all types. She is the clinical director of the Center for Memory and Aging at UNM’s Clinical Neurosciences Center and is the Administrative Core co-director of the NM Alzheimer Disease Research Center. Since 2019, she has led UNM’s campus-wide Aging Grand Challenge initiative.
Dr. Debra Lynn Waters has returned to UNM from her work in New Zealand as an exercise physiologist and medical researcher in the field of health ageing, director of Gerontology Research and professor at the University of Otago. With a BS and PhD, exercise physiologist Waters moved from University of New Mexico, where she retains the role of adjunct professor, to the University of Otago in New Zealand in 2005. In December 2019 Waters was promoted to full professor at the University of Otago with effect from 1 February 2020. Waters has led research into falls prevention through the Steady As You Go program since 2010. Early in 2019 Waters and Louise Parr-Brownlie were appointed joint directors of New Zealand's Ageing Well National Science Challenge. The program conducts research into health ageing, including ageing and Māori and researchers in universities across New Zealand participate. Waters became editor-in-chief of the Australasian Journal on Ageing in January 2021. She is on the editorial board of The Journal of Frailty & Aging and an editor of Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research.
Our business meeting will include election of a President-Elect for 2023-2024, as well as three proposed changes to the UNMRA Bylaws that reflect two practical items #1 & #3 and #2 a title, description, and responsibility change to the current Membership and Communications Committee due to the changing needs of the Association.
Proposed changes to Bylaws are in italics:
1) Current Bylaws State:
5.3 The Board will establish an annual schedule of regular Board meetings and the date for the annual spring meeting for all members. Special Board meetings may be called by the President or upon the request of three Board members. The requests for a special Board meeting should state the purpose of the meeting along with an agenda. A majority of Board members constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business.
Board Approved Proposed Change:
5.3 The Board will establish an annual schedule of regular Board meetings and the date for the annual meeting for all members. Special Board meetings may be called by the President or upon the request of three Board members. The requests for a special Board meeting should state the purpose of the meeting along with an agenda. A majority of Board members constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business.
2) Current Bylaws State:
7.1.1 The mission of the Membership and Communications Committee includes working with the appropriate University office to maintain a current, accurate database for all retirees and those who are Association Members and for assuring that all retirees, including those employees retiring, are aware of the Association membership opportunity. The Membership and Communications Committee is also responsible for maintaining current website content.
Board Approved Proposed Change:
7.1.1 The Communications and Development Committee works to assure that all retirees, including those employees retiring, are aware of the Association membership opportunity. This includes sending out a semiannual newsletter through the appropriate University office to all retirees of the University. The Committee is also responsible for developing opportunities and outreach to promote the Retiree Association and its members, supporting student efforts as deemed necessary by the Board, as well as maintaining current website content and Social Media sites.
3) Current Bylaws State:
8.4 A quorum of ten percent of Association Participating members is required for Association business to be conducted.
Board Approved Proposed Change:
8.4 A quorum of the Board is required for Association business to be conducted.
The chairs of UNMRA Board Committees will present brief overviews of significant committee concerns and accomplishments for the 2022-23 year.
UNM Science and Technology Building, 801 University Blvd. SE.
Parking is free in the Parking Structure with Parking Code: 1937581
- Park in any numbered stall
- Proceed to nearest pay station
- Select "STP Visitor" from the screen display
- Enter stall number
- Enter code number
- Collect Receipt
There is no need to return to your vehicle to display the receipt. The pay station will track the validation by the stall number.
We hope you will be able to join us for this important meeting.